Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sesión pre-Primavera Sound 2011

1. Collides, Blank Dogs

2. Forget you all the time,  Cloud Nothings

3. Sombra y mar, Cuchillo

4. Aydis Girl is a Computer, Darkstar

5. Mindkilla, Gang Gang Dance

6. Apply, Glasser

7. Wait and See, Holy Ghost!

8. Sufrir, Javiera Mena

9. Arte, Nosoträsh

10. Returnal, Oneohtrix Point Never,

11. King Night, Salem

12. Cape Dory, Tennis

13. Breath in the fire, Soft Moon

14. My Country, Tune-Yards

15. Castles in the snow, Twin Shadow

16. Georgia, Yuck

17. Monsters, Francis International Airport

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